Decorating responses with Flask-Smorest
We can use marshmallow schemas for serialization when we respond to a client. To do so, we need to tell Flask-Smorest what Schema to use when responding.
This will do a few things:
- Update your documentation to show what data and status code will be returned by the endpoint.
- Pass any data your endpoint returns through the marshmallow schema, casting data types and removing data that isn't in the schema.
Decorating responses in resources/
Let's start with retrieving a specific item.
Up until now, we've been doing this:
def get(self, item_id):
return items[item_id]
except KeyError:
abort(404, message="Item not found.")
But now we can run the items[item_id]
dictionary through the marshmallow schema and tell Flask-Smorest about it so the documentation will be updated:
@blp.response(200, ItemSchema)
def get(self, item_id):
return items[item_id]
except KeyError:
abort(404, message="Item not found.")
The number, 200
, is the status code. It means "OK" (all good).
Our endpoint for updating items looks like this:
def put(self, item_data, item_id):
item = items[item_id]
item |= item_data
return item
except KeyError:
abort(404, message="Item not found.")
Let's pass this through the schema as well:
@blp.response(200, ItemSchema)
def put(self, item_data, item_id):
item = items[item_id]
item |= item_data
return item
except KeyError:
abort(404, message="Item not found.")
Careful with the order of decorators in these functions!
When we get to returning a list of items, it looks like this:
@blp.response(200, ItemSchema(many=True))
def get(self):
return items.values()
And finally, don't forget to decorate the new item endpoint too:
@blp.response(201, ItemSchema)
def post(self, item_data):
for item in items.values():
if (
item_data["name"] == item["name"]
and item_data["store_id"] == item["store_id"]
abort(400, message=f"Item already exists.")
item_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
item = {**item_data, "id": item_id}
items[item_id] = item
return item
Decorating responses in resources/
Going a bit more quickly here since you already know what's going on with this decorator. The highlighted lines are new:
import uuid
from flask.views import MethodView
from flask_smorest import Blueprint, abort
from db import stores
from schemas import StoreSchema
blp = Blueprint("Stores", "stores", description="Operations on stores")
class Store(MethodView):
@blp.response(200, StoreSchema)
def get(cls, store_id):
return stores[store_id]
except KeyError:
abort(404, message="Store not found.")
def delete(cls, store_id):
del stores[store_id]
return {"message": "Store deleted."}
except KeyError:
abort(404, message="Store not found.")
class StoreList(MethodView):
@blp.response(200, StoreSchema(many=True))
def get(cls):
return stores.values()
@blp.response(201, StoreSchema)
def post(cls, store_data):
for store in stores.values():
if store_data["name"] == store["name"]:
abort(400, message=f"Store already exists.")
store_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
store = {**store_data, "id": store_id}
stores[store_id] = store
return store